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Friday 9 July 2010

Quango Land how the coalition of washed up teachers and social workers ruined Britain

The phony cuts
£167 billion a year was wasted on quangos in 2007 according to the Cabinet Office - its nearly 200 billion pa now.

These British Quangos are the largest bribery structure in the world - that's 12.5% of our economy of £1,330 billion to pay up to £300,000pa salaries to 100,000 people the government wishes to influence.
£60 billion is wasted on 800,000 overpaid bureaucrats installed in the NHS by Common Purpose to destroy it.

Hospital and medical staff are only 400,000 and are deliberately paid peanuts and overworked to sap moral as they watch the bureaucrats make continual changes calculated to sabotage the NHS.

£100 billion a year was wasted on EU regulations according to the goverments Better Regulation Task Force Annual Report 2005, with a foreward by Tony Blair.

Since then the waste in these three areas has got much worse, but the government won't publish full figures.

Even if they just cut all this waste at 2007 levels, the government would save £167 + £60 billion = £227 billion, and save industry £100 billion in EU costs, total saving £327 billion, far, far more than they ever need to save: the budget deficit is only £155 billion. Total government borrowing £903 billion, 60% of GDP. They could pay it all off in just 3 years.

If they really meant to save, these are the cuts they would make, but they have no intention of saving; their intention is to keep stealing 70% of the economy in taxes to collapse our nation, to fund their bloated lifestyles and waste, and keep as many British as possible diesempowered and in poverty on £5 per hour as they can. Our government ministers do not represent us, but are agents for a foreign power.

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